Helen's Light Wellness Coaching
When we learn to better communicate with ourselves we can then learn to communicate better with others. I can help you learn how to make a better connection with yourself which will then transfer to your relationships.

Wellness Coaching

Do you want to feel more empowered? Do you want to feel like you know better what you want and what you need.? Do you find that you often don't really get what you want to from your relationships? I can help you learn how to better communicate with yourself so you apply it to your relationships.

Mindfulness, Meditation, and Stress Management

Through the use of mindfulness, meditation, and stress management, we can make sure that you can be more open to finding ways of improving and changing your life. Mindfulness helps you become more aware of what you think and feel. Mediation helps you hear your own voice. And stress management just makes life easier. I can help you find out what works for you. This process can be fun and exciting.

Creativity and Action Techniques

Through the use of creativity and action techniques you will learn how to explore yourself. You will be able to take this way of learning about yourself back out into the world.. We will use mixed media to let you put your feelings out in the open. No need to be "good". Instead an opportunity to play. We will use psychodrama techniques to explore better ways of dealing with our self and the people in your life. It's always an adventure when you start to really listen to what you have to say to yourself.

My Creativity

This and that.
This is where I display my work and any of my clients that want to post the fun things they create. I use creativity to help people express themselves and play. That is really what it is about when we create…PLAY PLAY PLAY

Hi! My name is Helen O'Bannon.
I do wellness coaching.
I have been working with people in various roles of helping for over 30 years. I studied psychology and counseling and child development. I am a Minister of Divinity with zero affiliation to any doctrine. I had the privilege of working with violent crimes survivors and victims. I was able to see them change their lives so that they lived a more authentic life. Now I get to work with you to help you change your life. Do you find that you are not getting what you want from your relationships or even yourself? Do you feel like you don’t know what you want? Do you find that you are not able to communicate your wants and needs to yourself let alone to others. Are you at the point where you are tired of talk therapy? I don’t give therapy. What I do give are practical ways you can hear your own voice. I will help you transfer your new ability to communicate with yourself to others. Your romantic relationships will improve. Your work relationships will improve. Better communication will allow you a better connection with yourself and others. You will make permanent changes.

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